I'm going to be in a phone meeting today with the hospital. Dad is finally being panelled. He will be moving to a long term care facility very soon. It will be the first available bed. After that I can pick the place, I intend for him to goto holy family. Because of his wandering and aggressive behaviour he is being fast tracked and will need to goto a extreme care place. Not just a regular Ward. This week I have to slowly clean up his current place and get compression socks. I went to a mobility clinic but they told me they couldn't full the prescription without being able to measure him. I asked a nurse and she gave me an alternative place. One where I don't have to haul him out of the hospital.
Dad has been moved to Victoria hospital, he has an infection and is being treated with antibiotics. In the next week he will be getting another assessment. (Fuck sakes). From there I will be contacted by a psychologist. There's a possibility he will be moved to long term care. He hasn't been taking care of himself at all, which is why he has an infection. I'm beating myself up because I couldn't get him to shower or change his clothes. I'll go and see him in the next few days.