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September update

Dad isn't doing the best.  He's not showering much.  I received a phone call today saying that he has been refusing to eat.  Which is concerning.

I feel like he is on the decline.  He's not participating in many activities and is quite often napping.  He is also hunched over a lot.

He is very much making no sense when he talks which is heartbreaking.

Who am I kidding the whole thing is heartbreaking.

Obviously there is nothing I can do to get him to eat other than maybe bringing him a burger.  Showering was an issue 9 months ago.

Next week I have another fucking assessment.  This time it's for moving him into income based supportive housing.  It's preemptive to get him on a list basically.

Good news is that I was able to get a subsidy for him at his current location.  It's still expensive but manageable for the next 8 months.

If anyone would like to visit him I would suggest to do it sooner rather than later.

That being said, do not feel like you have to go.  


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