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The beginning of home care

Things are happening quickly.  I think the state of being constantly overwhelmed is just what it's going to be.  It looks like we will be starting home care next week and a day program on Fridays. Which is good news.  I am worried obviously on how he is going to take it, and if he is stand offish about it.  Unfortunately  you cannot reason with someone who has dementia and there is no amount of pre planning or pre explaining you can do.  I just have to say "this is how it is". 

I have had quite a few good conversations with Home Care, the Alzheimer's society and the Geriatric clinician in the last few days. 

As far as actual housing, it looks like we are going to try for Supportive care, which is basically one step below nursing home.  The weird thing is that he is very "one of a kind" in that he's very independent physically, but he can't remember shit. 

This is a issue however, as we are going to need to prove that we need a LOT of help to get him into a place.  Basically we have to say we need more help than we are able to give.  It's odd. 

Counteracting that is the fact that as I mentioned he's fairly independent at this point. 

The thing is, If home care doesn't work or he is against it that is a strike against him.  Same with the day program.  The more he fights it the sooner we can get him a place.  In all honesty it is about doing what is best for him.  I want him happy and safe.  

I am going to see a therapist next week as well, I need it.  I'm hoping it will make me feel better about the situation or at the very least give me some coping mechanism's.  

I'm no stranger to therapists, so this should be alright.  Besides I always feel better when I leave. 

I've said it before, this whole situation is like being on a carnival ride that he just want to get off of.  No matter how fast it's going. 

As far as Dad is concerned, he has changed a LOT in the last few weeks.  The slide is starting to happen.  Just thinking back from when he showed up till now there is a HUGE difference in the way he is.  

This weekend we are going to do some painting and Dad will be out of the house for the day visiting my cousin.  


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