Got a call today about an incident. My wife went down to check on Dad. After work I spoke with the lady. It's bad.
Dad got upset that a caregiver was taking his garbage. He pushed her really hard and threatened to punch her. She had to go home as she is traumatized.
My wife spoke to him and he talked like it was someone else doing it. He's completely lost.
I spoke with the lady incharge and they want him on anti psychotic medications. I have to call the doctor tomorrow.
He will likely refuse the meds.
The next outburst he will need to be taken to the psych ward and left there for a few weeks while he stabilizes and gets on the medication.
I will have to take him. It will be a 13 hour wait.
Alternatively if they can't get a hold of us he will be taken by the police and ambulance there.
We don't really know what to do.
It is going to happen again and we need to be ready to leave at a moment's notice.
My wife believes we have some PTSD. I'm starting to believe this is the case.
It's a fucked up situation all around.
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