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Showing posts from September, 2024

My current mental state is complete shit

 In the last day I've had multiple calls from the home.  Typically they leave these really quiet messages that sound very anxious like I need to call right fucking now. I spoke with the home today after spending 20 minutes building myself up to make the call. Dad update:  he's barely eating, looks like hell, refuses to shave, is sleeping often. I attempted to book him in for a haircut but I think he refused. I also believe that he has not let them touch his laundry in months.   I have no idea when he last showered. The last asked me to book an appointment with his doctor. Took me another 20 minutes to call his doc. The office is closed today and tomorrow. Next week I have another assessment for him.  I'm worried he's going to freak out and punch the guy. I will likely have to take a day off work and take him to the doctor.  I'm sure they don't make house calls anymore. The next time a doctor is coming to the home is October. Of course his doctors office is on cr

September update

Dad isn't doing the best.  He's not showering much.  I received a phone call today saying that he has been refusing to eat.  Which is concerning. I feel like he is on the decline.  He's not participating in many activities and is quite often napping.  He is also hunched over a lot. He is very much making no sense when he talks which is heartbreaking. Who am I kidding the whole thing is heartbreaking. Obviously there is nothing I can do to get him to eat other than maybe bringing him a burger.  Showering was an issue 9 months ago. Next week I have another fucking assessment.  This time it's for moving him into income based supportive housing.  It's preemptive to get him on a list basically. Good news is that I was able to get a subsidy for him at his current location.  It's still expensive but manageable for the next 8 months. If anyone would like to visit him I would suggest to do it sooner rather than later. That being said, do not feel like you have to go.