I received a package from the Alzheimer's society last week, with plenty of great information. I urge anyone going thru this to contact them and or go down and pick up all the stuff. Trying to read a lot of this in front of him isn't really do-able. Between work and home I don't have any time for anything. I keep thinking I really need to plan one thing a week to look forward to. As I already suffer from a variety of anxiety, depression and ADHD, this whole situation is magnifying it even more. Dad has a weekly or bi-weekly fixation. This week it's getting a job, last week the same thing. When we were selling his car that was the fixation. It's honestly hard to keep up with it somedays. I'm banging my head against the wall. I'm happy that I am slowly building a support network, people who call and talk to him and give us a break, people who pick him up. That gives us an hour here or 15 minutes there to a...